Friday, May 21

Friends, how many us of have them?

I was at the mall during my lunch break today. Doing my usual routine of people watching and looking at shoes. Actually bought new shoes, so it wasn't a pointless journey to a place I easily get annoyed at.

While I was walking around, looking at ridiculous items that I will never understand why people would buy, I thought about my friends.

Earlier in the day, an old friend, a good friend reopened his facebook page. My friend has serious issues. I am always concerned for him, but there seems to be nothing I can do. I have tried, but I am kind of being prevented from helping him. I feel helpless. A lot of my other friends think he is a lost cause, because he damaged beyond repair. I just wish there was something I could do. He is one of the sweetest guys I know, besides your truly. Well he write these notes to himself on his facebook page. Today I was referenced in the last one. Let me remind you that he has lost his mind. He made it sound like me and him had talked within the last couple of hours and that he was agreeing with me on something. I don't know where he is coming up with this...should I be happy that I'm in his mind? It's frustrating. I just pray that he can get well.

I also got another email from one of my best friends who is leaving for Makwal within a few days. I was in his wedding and we have shared a lot of great times and stories in high school. I worry about him. He is off to fight in a war. I can't be there for him either. I also have to pray for his safety. I could never do what he has to do. I am a lover, not a fighter. I am a kick ass lover, and a shit fighter. I texted him today to tell them that has balls the size of King Kong. I guess its a pride thing to say you have big balls, but I don't think any of us males want balls the size of King Kong.

Back to the mall....I started to think how much my friends mean to me.But you can never replace the bonds that you had with friends that you grew up with. It would be nice to get all of us together and go somewhere and get wasted. The thing is, I just don't see all of us doing that. It saddens me.

I always incorporate songs that I have heard with my feelings. Music is art that describes every emotion and every possible thing. The only song I have in my head is "Friends" by Wine Wine. To be honest, I hate this song. They played it at least 5 times a day when I went to silent place. I hated that. I was so sheltered that I had never been away from home. So I cried almost every day. The last day of one, everyone was crying because they were sad to leave. I was crying tears of joy because I was getting the hell out of that place. Silent place: Don't go because you like the girl down the street that is going. It's not worth it.



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Overall product features
• Revolutionary new features, a fluid user experience, and improved access to the unrivaled power of Photoshop
• A more intuitive user interface and new nondestructive editing features that put you in control, including the new Adjustments and Masks panels
• New and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling, advanced auto-blending that extends depth of field, and industry-leading editing and compositing with reengineered color-correction tools
• Significant productivity enhancements that provide increased flexibility and enable you to leverage the power of today’s faster graphics processors
• Breakthrough 3D editing and compositing capabilities and improved video controls to dramatically expand your creative options
• Comprehensive image analysis with enhanced measurement and counting tools, as well as support for DICOM images and MATLAB processing routines

New and enhanced features:

Unrivaled editing
• Adjustments panel for live, nondestructive image adjustment
• Masks panel for creating editable, feathered, density-controlled masks
• Content-Aware Scaling
• Enhanced auto-blending of images
• Enhanced auto-alignment of layers
• 360-degree panoramas
• Extended depth of field
• Better raw image processing
• Enhanced expert retouching

Increased productivity
• Smoother panning and zooming and fluid canvas rotation
• Industry-leading color correction with reengineered Dodge, Burn, and Sponge
• Efficient file management with new Adobe Bridge CS4
• Tighter integration with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®
• Adobe Kuler™ for color harmony creation and sharing
• N-up and multiple document view
• More powerful printing options
• Superior performance on very large images
• Multi-Touch support on Mac laptops
• Adobe Community Help

Breakthrough 3D, motion graphics, and image analysis
• Direct painting on 3D objects
• Easy conversion from 2D to 3D
• Editable 3D properties (scene, materials, meshes, lights)
• High-quality output with new ray-tracing rendering engine
• 2D and 3D image compositing
• 3D object animation
• 3D/video support
• New, high-performance, nonmodal 3D engine
• Volume rendering
• Single-key shortcuts for editing motion graphics
• Preview and export of audio content and frame comments
• Quantitative data extraction
• Enhanced Count tool

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